A friend of mine blogged throughout her last pregnancy, and I thought it seemed like a cool idea...so I'm going to try it!
I'm just past five weeks pregnant today. My due date is somewhere around the 8th of September...although since I went to 41 weeks with my second son, I don't really expect to see this kid until around the 15th.
So far the only pregnancy symptom I've had is soreness when my son nurses...oh, and having to go to the bathroom every half-hour. I'd forgotten about the peeing all night thing, too. I'm hoping this pregnancy is like my last one, which was really pretty much a cake-walk.
Let's see, what else...how about a quick overview of my birth history? My first son was an unecessary c-section, my second son was an (accidental) unassisted home waterbirth, and we're planning a pretty hands-off home waterbirth for this baby. I guess that's it for now, thanks for reading and feel free to check in weekly for updates on the growing belly!