I've determined that there is a specific gene encoded with a sequence to give a person the ability to keep a journal...I've also determined I completely lack this gene. Every journal I have ever tried to keep fades out of my life after about two weeks. Apparently, this phenomenon also applies to blogs. As I approach the end of this pregnancy, I will try very hard to keep current on this sucker.
Here is a new belly picture at 31 weeks...

I can't really believe that I'm already down to only 9 weeks or so! This is my favorite part of pregnancy...when the baby is always active, and I just feel happy with this big belly. I know that according to the ultrasounds we had, this kid only has two arms and two legs, but with all the movement and kicking (in multiple locations at once), I swear s/he has grown a couple more in the last few weeks!
The heat hasn't been too much of an issue, thanks to AC and tank tops, but I really hope we get a bit of a break soon. I feel bad about not being able to take the boys to the playground every morning like we used to do, but when it's over 80 degrees by 9 am, I just can't take that! Other than the discomfort of the heat from going out, I feel really good. No problems to speak of, just the usual back soreness which is vastly helped by chiropractic adjustments.
I'm on my 5th week of the Hypnobabies course, and although I'm finding it hard to get in all my practice, I really enjoy the deep relaxation I'm able to achieve with it. I think it will really help during my birth. I'm also finding it hard to listen to the CD's during the day, since it requires a half-hour of completely undisturbed time (not so easy to come by with two little ones!) So what usually happens is I only get to listen to the day's script as I go to bed...which means I get so relaxed I fall asleep halfway through. I think I'm going to have to figure out another way to get them in, because although I've been told it really won't make that big of a difference, I want to hear everything at least once!
In the last couple of weeks, I also started a quilt for the baby. Most of the fabric came from my Gramma Grace's fabric stash, but some came from Grandma Ethel's and a few pieces are from mine. The muslin for the back will be from Grandma Ethel. It makes me happy that even though neither of them is still with us, they are sort of still getting to be a part of this project. Here is a picture of the top completely pieced.
Now I have to do the actual quilting, which is where you sew all the layers (backing, batting, and the top) together and then finish the edges. The binding (the outermost border that seals off the edges) is going to be the lighter shade of green, to pull that color in again.
I suppose that's all for now, thanks for reading!