Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This is taking a loooong time!

It really seems like this first trimester is dragging along compared to my first two, and I finally figured out why. With Zack and Dom, we didn't find out I was pregnant until 5 weeks or later...so I was almost halfway through my first trimester already. This time, we pretty much knew when it happened. (It's pretty obvious when I ovulate. And at my age, when you ovulate the same night you had lovin' in the morning, the odds getting pregnant are pretty darn good.) I've had the inkling that I've been pregnant since the start, and we got confirmation at only three weeks along. So I've had the "pregnancy mentality" for over a month longer already!

Yesterday we had an early morning run to the ER. Not for me, for Joe. He took a substantial shot to the ribs while playing basketball on Sunday, and when he woke up Monday, he told me he wanted to go get checked out. After three hours in the hospital, some IV fluids, and a CAT scan, they determined he sprained the cartilage on a few ribs and bruised his liver, but he didn't lacerate any organs and he wasn't bleeding internally. It was also determined he does not like narcotic pain relievers given through IV, since it didn't take any pain away, it just totally looped him out for about five mintues.

I finally got a relatively decent night's sleep last night, although I don't know for sure what caused it. For two days or so, I've been living with a sinus infection that is really irritating my throat, my neck and shoulders have been so tight I haven't been able to get comfortable in bed, and I was waking up at 4 am every morning because I was crashing out at 8:00 at night. So yesterday I went to the chiropracter, got adjusted, and got some therapy on my neck and shoulders...something I am definately going to get done more often! I took some Olive Leaf Extract, which usually helps with my sinus issues. Then last night, I made myself stay awake until 9:00, switched to a more orthopedic pillow, and slept with a throat lozenge in my mouth. I slept four hours straight!! I don't know what it was that did it, so I guess I'm going to have to do all those things every night...except I think I'll add a hot bubble bath before bed to the mix, too. ;o)

On to baby: at 11 weeks s/he is the size of a fig (1 1/2 inches long) and is fully formed. The fingers and toes are fully separated and bones are starting to harden. Toothbuds are starting to form, and s/he could start getting the hiccups already. I'm really anxious to feel movement, but thats still a few weeks away. We're scheduled to hear the heartbeat in about two weeks, so I'm looking forward to that.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So I bit the bullet...

I know I missed a week, but hey, life happens. Sometime in the last two weeks I bit the bullet and switched to maternity pants. I figured, I could do the whole rigamarole of using rubberbands on my buttons, and not zipping my pants all the way, or wearing pants that were larger sizes, but frankly, maternity pants are more comfortable. And I am all about comfort this time around. I'm in that fun stage of early pregnancy where you can tell people are looking at your belly and thinking, "Pregnant or fat?"

I started taking a vitamin B complex last week to help with my fatique. While it helped me have more energy, I found it kept me from being able to nap in the afternoons. Which meant that I was ready to zonk out at about 6:00 every night. That didn't seem like a very good solution, so I stopped taking them. I'm managing to function, but I'll be very glad when I'm out of my first trimester, and not so dang tired all the time!

We went to my nephew's birthday party yesterday, which round trip consisted of a little over 7 hours in the car. I think I discovered that I'm more prone to motion sickness while pregnant. The entire car ride I felt queasy. Normally I get motion sick if I try to read a lot in the car, but I couldn't even read the directions without having a wave of nausea. Unfortunately, I threw up my lunch when were were about halfway home. The pizza wasn't nearly as tasty coming out as it was going in. The thing I feel the worst about is that we were in my Mom's car. Since Joe is wild pig hunting in Texas, the boys and I carpooled up with her. It would have been much worse if I hadn't picked up a Mary Kay order from my sister at the party (just so you know, while very cute, those bags aren't entirely waterproof). I don't think I get sick when I drive, so I think I'll be behind the wheel for any more extended periods in the car.

Let's see...baby is 10 weeks along now, so the fingers and toes are totally separated and the nails are starting to form, and the liver is formed and is starting to make blood cells. Other than that, the bean is just getting bigger and continuing to develop. Thanks for stopping by!