So it finally occurred to me this weekend that I'm actually going to have another baby in another few months, so I should really think about getting stuff ready for him/her. Yeah, yeah...I only took 5 1/2 months for that to sink in. What probably prompted it was a fantastic find at a garage sale this weekend. I had stopped at this particular house to look at something else (I honestly don't remember what it was now) and I found this absolutely gorgeous changing table. We had borrowed one from some friends who now need it back as they just had another baby themselves, and it hadn't occurred to me that we were going to need another one...and this one is just beautiful! I paid a whopping $10 for it! It's solid wood, so it is incredibly sturdy. Dom was climbing on it and it barely moved. Once I got it in the house, it looked pretty empty, so I pulled out some of the baby stuff and put it in there. Seeing the blankets, diapers, and changing pad all set up was probably the precise moment that it really, finally sunk in that we have another little one on the way. Here is a picture:
My midwife appointment on Saturday was great. Baby was completely curled up on the right side, so my tummy was amusingly lopsided when I was laying down. Baby has been a lot more active in the last week or so, so that has been fun. Joe finally got to feel the baby kick last week, and seeing his face when that happens is always a joy for me.
On another note, the boys are finally better! It took about a week for them to get totally back to normal, but their eating like little horses again, so we're all good. I hope to never see that stomach virus again!
As for a tummy picture...this one is from a couple of weeks ago, I think I was 20 weeks...but you get the idea. The baby bump has gotten a bit bigger since then, so we'll have to take a more current one on a day when I actually bother to put makeup on. lol

1 comment:
You're barely showing!!
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