Thursday, September 27, 2007

Birth Story in pictures

Here is the link to the slideshow our photographer made out of the photos she took. I hope to have the written version of our birth story to post soon, but for now, this will have to do! Feel free to leave any comments for the photographer here for her to read.

Mia is continuing to do great! She was back to her birth weight within a week, and is a wonderful nurser. She's having more awake periods now, and it's pretty nice to see those little eyes just taking everything in. I'm doing just fine too...still having trouble with making myself take it easy. One of the potential pitfalls to homebirth is moms feel so good afterwards, they tend to overdo it. Joe is doing a pretty good job of keeping me in check...most of the time.

Mia just woke up, so we're off to nurse...again!

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